
Native is stubborn / proud,  shouts a lot, does not have constant friends / foes. He keeps leaving friends and will move forward in life. 

The person is very stingy / overly ostentatious – extreme. 

Financial settlement (good career) after 15-20 of working / marriage. Success in the 2nd half of life / fag end.

Married very early in life / divorced at a later age in life / death of spouse at old age / professional transfers at old age / ill health of spouse /self and brahmacharya thereby.

Generally child birth is delayed / denied – check for D7 and other combinations for childbirth.

Constantly kills competition and keeps winning in life. In this process there are lot of fights with many people. 

Very self-centric / selfish / does not like to share food / resources with others. May be holding patents / sensitive secretive information / formulas / spies etc. 

The native is very successful / perceived successful due to tactics.   

They do not like being quizzed by others on the logic behind their actions.

Native earns very well. Overly ostentatious or very stingy. Native does not like to share food / resources with others. 

Native may know many languages / his writing or oratory skills are very good. 

He is very argumentative and will prove everybody wrong.

May be interested in drinking alcohol (very royal brands).  

May have dental issues / have obesity issues. 

Excellent drafting skills.

Very big initiatives in later part of life.

Apply the above for siblings.

Frequently changing homes / cities of living. 

Mother is aggressive / haughty / successful late in life / native lost father early / mother divorced / father is ill. 

Buying home is delayed since the native is looking at a very luxurious home / home with many conditions.

Parvati cursed Vivedevas not to have children. 

Also Visvedevas have girlfriends (5th house denotes love). 

Native has childbirth issues – either delay or denial. Look for combos from D-7 and others. 

Native has girl friends / failed love

Native keeps killing competition. He keeps conquering new areas. 

He has a very successful professional life especially after middle age. 

Till that time, native may be changing jobs and not able to earn much.

Does not share resources or food with others. 

Marriage is very early in life or the age gap between couple is high. But high chances of separation after middle age / widowhood / professional transfers.

Will kill competition in business. Will buy them, if he cannot compete with them. 

May be very stingy / will try to feed everyone claiming royal birth and debt-ridden (7th is opposite). 

Spouse’s family is of Abhijatya nature.

Very stingy to invite others home for a meal. Or will feed a royal meal despite debt-ridden.

Father may be having Abhijatya nature. 

Mother is ill / dead / big age difference between mother and father.  

Father is successful after middle-age, till then he was changing many jobs.

Native has a job or business that is constantly changes form. 

Native is doing too many jobs / constantly changing jobs especially till middle age. During middle-age native gets on to right track and will have an invincible career.

He is aspiring very high. May be running business (secretly) and job together. Business is usually good for the native, where he is constantly killing competition.

Could be a spy / assistant to CEO / making formulas / secrets / NDAs etc,

Dislikes to do routine work, will like to delegate routine works to others and wants to manage other things. Difficult to work under these people – because they create a huge pressure.

They do not accept defeat, will constantly keep hunting.

See 10th. 

Siblings may be showing Abhijatya. Stubborn / age difference in couple / unmarried / not having kids / successful businessman. 

Expenses are very high to maintain a higher lifestyle than the native originally belongs to. 

Native is very stingy to offer donations / feed others despite being well-to-do.

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