Uttara Bhadrapada

Anger issues (check other combos for Indra and Rudras). Or, the person is extremely calm and controlling a lot of anger. 

Remembers all the insults he has faced in his life. 

Mother is a strong individual at home / father is dead or missing from native’s life.

Native is focused on earning money for his wife and kids. He saves a lot of money / people may see him as stingy man.

Decisions are based on emotions.

Native is extremely fertile – will have children even married late.

Native is 2 faced split personality / one of those twins.

Native is lazy. Employs juniors to complete work – very good at macro level understanding of work. 

Dislikes copying anything, instead will work on inspiration and doing it differently.

Money goes wasted on self-improvement or other houses to which it is connected to.

Native is perceived stingy / overly focused saving for next gen. If his people are hurt, he will be furious.

Excellent communication skills, grammar, language skills, multiple languages.

Good understanding of scriptures, looks at deep meanings – especially when Venus or Moon are connected. 

Extremely protective of one’s family. Will shout / fight if they are hurt. Constantly earning for them / helping his people.

Mismatch in the sexual interests of self and spouse. 

When connected to other kama trikonas (3,7,11) – native has uncontrollable anger. He blasts out especially due to money / inheritance issues with siblings etc. He can fight with anyone for bringing financial stability to his wife and kids.

Mother is extremely powerful / strict / very close to the native.

Father is generally inattentive in home activities. 

Native has 2 mothers. Could be step-mother / other mother-like women who car for the native.

Native generally buys 2nd hand homes / small homes.  

Unless other combinations show otherwise, native is extremely fertile.

Children are settled very soon after education or will have a constant transformation of careers.

Native gets position in life very early – recognized fame early in life.

Bereft of physical strength.

Constantly struggling with anger issues. 

Very good arbitrators – stops fights between 2 people / entities.

Connection with Artha Trikonas:

Got settled in life early and will retire early / beats competition easily. Or will depute others to labor-work.

Interested in scriptures – and the profound meanings in it.  

Wastage of Money. Refer 12th house also.

Difference in sexual appetite between self and spouse. 

Extreme anger issues when connected with other kama trikonas. Native is still trying to work on anger – generally stays calm but there are outbursts. 

These anger issues are due to fights for inheritance etc..

Digestion issues and piles complaints, if connected to 5th.

When connected to 6th, hip replacements are possible in Bhadrapadas after an enduring pain – (Left: Purva; Right: Uttara)

Anger issues in wife’s family.   

Native likes seclusion / staying aloof.

Excellent arbitrators. 

Father may be having sudden outbursts of Anger. Generally he is calm.

The native is adopted / native’s  father adopts someone else.

Native’s father has only female children.   

Read 1 and apply on father.

Career is constantly under transformation. 

The native got settled early in life and wants to depute other people by becoming a manager over them. 

Focused on Research and Development activities and teaching. 

Good understanding of scriptures. May be fighting anger issues / sudden outbursts of anger. 

Native fights with others / siblings only for money and inheritance – especially when connected to other kama trikonas. 

Wants to stay aloof. 

Unnecessary wastage of money (based on planets, Ex: Mars: hurriedness, Moon: for rewards, Sun: False Prestige, Saturn: elders in family or servants at work, etc)

Native is constantly focused on donation of money. Especially, if the native is financially stable and planets like Moon or 2nd lord are connected. 

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