Purva Phalguni

There can be issues with timing of events in life. The native may be troubled by a shadow-self. 

Native may be interested in partying and meeting a lot of people and seek praises from them. 

Native may act like he is in a dream – ignores the most important things in life and may prioritize unimportant things in life. – specially on the materialistic side.  

Partner (business / life) may influence the life of the native highly (over-shadowing everything).

There may be fights in family due to petty things. People of the family may stop talking to each other / extended family – after marriage. 

Generally all the events in this nakshatra happen after marriage. However, this nakshatra does not affect money much. With Uttara Phalguni support strives for inheritance. Without Uttara phalguni, the person may be expecting inheritance but may not finally get it.

Affects planning / strategy in life. Native is generally poor at planning things. 

Native is burdened with responsibilities as this oversees 9th house. Also Aryaman is the 3rd child. 

Ego and illusion take over and may leave important jobs.

Native may be struggling to find a house or establishing peace in life.

Mother may be showing ego / quarrelsome nature / immature and muted. 

Childbirth is delayed. Sometimes, a huge gap between two children.

Native has immature ideas, does not understand surroundings and the environment he is in.

He either under estimates the situation or over estimates it. This happens in case of politicians mostly or someone seeking power transfer.

Native gets problems or issues which are too old or too young for his age.

Like a divorce at 60 after having lived for 30 years together. Kidney issues at 20 years of age.

There can be simpler problems also. Like ignoring important things and prioritizing sleep etc over it.

Immature spouse. Native is immature in business ideas but starts up a business. 

Not getting married at the right age. Could be very early or very late. For marriage 9th connection is also important.

Starting a relationship at a very young age or a very old age.

Inheritance is delayed or very early in life. It is obtained at a age, when it is not useful. 

Spouse’s parents are immature. They got riches but they have many responsibilities. 

Getting married at a very late age or a very early age.

Native, immature, rejects lot of marriage proposals at the right age – looking for betterment. 

The Dharma of the native gets delayed. Since begetting children etc are also delayed, since he remained unmarried for a long time.  

Look for other combinations of remaining unmarried, if Magha is also afflicted.

if early marriage, native bears children very early, and everything is early in life.

Job or business is either very delayed or very early. 

Native’s parents are immature and may quarrel with the spouse’s parents, especially if Magha is afflicted or Mars is connected.

Karma of the person is delayed. Generally delays to complete things in time.

Friends and elder siblings are immature and do not understand the native. 

Native may start earning at a very tender age or will not find a job at the right time and will struggle for money etc. 

Over estimating or underestimating political opponents – especially for politicians who are seeking power. Living in a fool’s paradise. 

Immature spending habits of native.

Native may not find earning at the right time to spend at the right time. 

He may be spending his time immaturely.

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