
Stability and Instability in life. Epi-center in the family for relations both from spouse and self. 

Always in hurry to complete things. Always arranging / re-arranging things at home / office. 

Very good organizers of events / planners of events. Very workaholic. Will be good at vocational things like vedas / shastras / singing / painting etc. 

Power tussles / jealousy issues / ideological issues (Dharma) with siblings regarding truth and lies. Generally, refrain from bad habits, however, if they indulge into some, will turn addicted soon.  

 Very responsible about self, parents, family, friends etc. Will help everyone – may still get blames / will go unrecognized.

Will offer protection to family and siblings. May have issues with siblings on truth / lies (speech). Will be very silently doing his work and will not complain about siblings etc any time. 

May be blamed in family by siblings.

Long wait for things to fall in place. 

Jealous of siblings / relatives – if they are rich. Or very supportive of them if they are poor.

Constantly taking initiatives to complete more work before time. 

Either very attached to mother and will constantly help her or very detached to mother and will keep complaining about her. 

Usually blessed with riches etc., However, there is stability -instability issues. 

Native is constantly arranging clothes, chairs, utensils etc at home.

Grand-father could be in the village  / family like a sarpanch etc., who was helpful to a large number of people.

He could be protecting the whole family. 

Children could be obedient with the native & protecting the native since very young age. 

The native may not have children at all or may be lacking male children. Look at combinations to confirm.

Enmity with cousins.  Jealous and highly dominative enemies. 

Native protects the family or office colleagues from dominating enemies.

Native and wife are loggerheads and dominating each other.

Rakshasas always lost to devas. Moola loses / compromises here.  

Refer to 6th. Juggling between spirituality and materialism.

Wife’s family could be dominating and jealous.

Natives owes everything to his Guru. 

Native is blessed by his father and would like to please him always. 

Even though father / guru troubles the native, native bears it. 

Native is struggling to find a good guru. His guru is the most talented in the subject native is seeking. 

Could be juggling between spirituality and materialism.

Challenging the decisions made by elders (siblings) – many times softly. No body hears this man on such complaints.

Refer 6th. Fighting very big enemies in competition.

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