
Ego tussles with the head of the family (father / mother / husband). 

Generally perceived as egoistic, jealous etc. by others. However, will take a fatherly role even though young in the family. May have ego issues with siblings – if they are very settled. Otherwise will stand as protection for them. 

If Boss / Owner is miserly in spending for company’s welfare etc., natives will be unhappy with him. Natives prefer costly options for the company.

Will offer protection for the whole family. Will have a dominating voice. 

Will act like a fatherly figure even though very young in the family.

May drink royal alcohols. 

Jealous of siblings / relatives – if they are rich. Or very supportive of them if they are poor.

Mother could be raising the family as the father is dead at young age / father is ill / mother earns more. 

Mother could be protecting the whole family / the native especially. 

Mother could be jealous / having a dominating attitude.

Grand-father could be dominating in the village  / family like a sarpanch etc.

He could be protecting the whole family. 

Children could be dominating the native & protecting the native since very young age. 

Enmity with Bosses or father.  Jealous and highly dominative enemies. 

Native protects the family or office colleagues from dominating enemies.

Native and wife are loggerheads and dominating each other on dominance.

Jealous of business partners richness. 

Power tussles with competition.

Refer to 6th. Juggling between spirituality and materialism.

Wife’s family could be dominating and jealous.

Father could be very strict and very dominating. Native could have ego issues with father for domination. 

Could have issues with bosses as well on domination / spending for right things. 

Could be getting transfers very often.

Father and husband may have ego issues between each other.

Many bosses have changed in the start of the job. Native is self-taught, self-made etc. 

Egoistic / dominating boss. Native has progressed in life materialistically. 

Could be juggling between spirituality and materialism.

Read 10th. 

Elder brother is dominating. He could be protecting the native like a father.

Refer 6th.

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