
Will prosper in life. However, will take a lot of responsibilities in life. 

Will have to take care additionally one more fatherly person. Will offer shraddha etc after his demise. 

The actual father is poor while the other one who raised this native will be wealthy.

Native’s family must have helped many people offering physical labor (help). 

They are very prosperous. 

One of the siblings becoming the father of the native. The native’s father is very old and financially weak. 

The native is raised by this sibling, who is devoid of a male child (usually).

Native reciprocates the help offered to this sibling.

4th house denotes comforts and resting – it is against physical labor / help. 

Physical labor is going to affect the native. People may think that the native is offering unnecessary physical help by troubling his ownself. However, native is happy to offer physical help. 

If afflicted this make take a toll on health by showing up medical problems in hands. 

There is a delay in progeny for the native or his children or his father. 

Or there is a huge gap between kids.

Native could be childless as well, however look for other combinations to confirm this.

Maternal uncles are prosperous. Helped the native physically or with the wealth.

Native will reciprocate the same with the maternal uncle. 

Prosperity due to spouse. Spouse could be having a fatherly figure (additionally) as described in the traits of this nakshatra.

Spouse shall take responsibility of many people. Use karakas, houses for determining whose responsibilities are being taken. 

However, this nakshatra happily helps everyone.

Spouse’s parents are prosperous. 

Inheritance is means of prosperity for the native.

Being in trines to 4th house, sudden health troubles may haunt the native to overly physical work, especially when afflicted.

Refer to 5th.

Prosperity. Helping most of the co-workers at the office – by offering physical help mostly. 

Sometimes, these natives help the fraternity, community, friends etc. as a karma.

Elder sibling may like a fatherly figure to the native. 

Prosperous. Will offer the same help to the sibling in old age.

Being in trines to 4th house, may push the native to deterioration in health due to overly physical work, especially with malefic affliction. 

Native is generally prosperous all through the life.

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