
Childbirth is common in all the houses.

Powerful government servant.

Or one who is always crying for respect in the family. Or could be both.  

May fall from height in Sun / Jup are connected along with 9th.

Rewarding again. However, childbirth is important.

Highly rewarding after child birth.

When afflicted and connected to 9th also with Sun/Jup, will mean siblings falling from height and sustaining injuries.

Rewarding properties after child birth. However, when connected to Sun / Jupiter / 9th house and afflicted, may indicate mother falling from height and sustaining injuries. 

Will bring in very good luck if the native has progeny. Otherwise, you will see negative results of the same magnitude. Afflictions may result in native crying for respect from children / subordinates etc.

Native can reach good heights in job. Afflicting can make a person fall of from height and will not recover from the injury. 

Native reaching heights (Throne) after getting married. May weep silently that spouse is not cooperative / giving enough respect. 

When connected to 9th or Jupiter / Sun, spouse must have fallen from a height.

Could be a very good astrologer with high intuition – if positive. 

However, when afflicted, can cause problems in inheritance. May cause death if connected to Sun/Jup/9th house due to fall from height.

Falling from heights – is a definite trait to look for. Check for Sun / Jupiter connections and decide the relative. Usually, the relative will recover since this is 9th house of protection.

Will position and fame very easily soon after child birth. 

If child birth is delayed, promotions or securing a job becomes difficult.

Please read similar to 10th house.

Usually, it is important to maintain a lower number of people in the friend circle. Royal throne does not have friends but rules every one.

Elder Siblings may have injuries due to falling from height in afflicted and connected to 9th, Sun, Jup.

Royal Status and spending. Afflictions may result in problems in covering up for expenses.

Again childbirth should not be ignored.

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