Puranic Stories:
పూష్ణో రేవతీ గావః
పరస్తాత్ వత్సా అవస్తాత్
Pooshno (Pooshan)= 1) The nourisher and protector like mother, 2) God of fertility, abundance of prosperity like Pushya 3) Guide of Paths and Travelers – road safety and accidents 4) Guardian of boundaries and transitions 5) The calm and composed Aditya usually 6) Always living / wanting to live in a different world – (can be indulging in severe alcoholism / spirituality / extremely materialistic / away from everyone / some way disconnected from others) 7) Protector of animals, dog, cattle herd nurturers (PETA, Blue Cross etc) 8) gentle and wants peace, does not fight 9) Pushan sits on a cart pulled by goats – like Agni 10) Problems of eye-sight and 32 teeth (usually jaw-line) 11)Good vision or Poor vision – clarity of paths 12) Marriage / couple are protected 13) Prosperity / Downfall at transitions of life – like education, city change, house change, marriage, childbirth, parents death, spouse’s death. 14) Fertile or children suffering from health issues or financial issues – depending on afflictions – especially if connected to Kama trikonas (3,7,11).
Revatee: 1) A marriage / career where there is a generation gap / big age gap or big height difference in the couple 2) A king or a kingly life even though poor 3) Satpura mountains near Narmada river – that bisects India to make South and North India – a boundary or a transition phase 4) Somebody who is a solo traveler (Shravana is a traveler with family), or Somebody who is interested in time traveling concepts 5) Someone who is just living for the day with no concerns of what is up for tomorrow – not taking action on any wrong things happening around him 6) Someone who is living in a foreign country – just because he can make more money otherwise wants to come back home. 7) Govardhana giri – Krishna & Indra tale
Gaavaha: 1) cow – prosperity 2) cowherd – herd mentality – mothers (parents) raise the individuals and spoil them – but if the native gets abandoned in childhood (gets less care from parents), he will be more successful. 3) Someone who likes to eat porridge (జావ, అంబలి) or soft foods or drinks only which need not be chewed. 4) Someone having dental issues or issues in chewing food, jaw line faults / fractures 5) The gum producing Babul (తుమ్మ) tree (goats eat these leaves and fruits) – person sticks to something for long 6) Apamaarga- medicinal plant roots used in brushing teeth (for teeth-gum issues) 7) Kunjara – elephant – the best of all; 8) bull / cattle / herd animals, lion, tiger, snake, 9) Pinaka – Shiva’s bow Ajagava. 10) the man at the door / gate keeper / path instructor 11) helpful to all in the community / village 12) Bhargava – descendants of Sukra/Venus. 13) Pungava – Ox – best of all, venerable / virtuous.
Vatsa: 1) son – the native is concerned about his son (if sonless, first daughter) – he is underperforming in career or health – changes career etc for his health or wealth 2) Young Calf – which is dependent on mother, drinks mother’s milk only – paralyzed can’t move, needing motherly care and dependent on others / eats only porridge as teeth are missing 3) The family gets name (good / bad) due to this native. 4) The native’s wife is taking responsibility of all the domestic things, as the native is busy at work, ill-health, staying away from family, not interested in raising children. 5) Seasonal jobs like Hindu priests, farmers, caterers etc 6) breasts 7) vatsalya: affection – meaning showing affection or needing affection.
Go-Vatsa (Gava-Vatsa) Nyayam:
Daksha Yagna:
Please note there are variations for this story in many places. However, I have picked this up based on what I understand.
Venus’ Exaltation:
Pair of Fish: Revati is associated with two fish, symbolizing the zodiac sign Pisces. This represents duality, balance, and emotional depth. It also highlights Revati’s connection with spiritual insight and the completion of cycles.
Nagada / Mridanga / Drum: Mridanga (Mangal Vadya) is played when there is a marriage / naming ceremony / house warming / childbirth / festivals are celebrated. Drum is played when a dead body is taken to the cremation ground. Nagada is played on victory over something by a king / wartime. All these will indicate transformations in life. Every time a transformation happens – native either prospers or loses wealth.
Shepherd / Shepherd’s staff: The shepherd or staff represents protection, guidance, and caretaking. It signifies Pooshan’s role as the protector of animals, travelers, and the weak. Revati Nakshatra is known for nurturing, guiding, and offering safe passage to those under its influence.
Refer Traits.
Extended Jaw-line.
Dental issues (if connected to 6th, 11th, 8th also).
Replacement of teeth required due to accident / old age / decay.
If both 2,7 marakas are connected to 3rd house or 9th house along with 3rd / 12th – can indicate death of a sibling / father due to an accident. Ensure D-9 combinations as well.
If connected to 2,6,10 houses – increase in prosperity – especially if native has left home at college level / first job.
If both 2,7 marakas are connected to 3rd house or 9th house along with 3rd / 12th – can indicate death of a sibling / father due to an accident. Ensure D-9 combinations as well.
Downfall if connected to 3,7,11 -dispositors also to be checked.
Eye can be lost if 10th and 8th from ascendant and moon are connected here.
Mother is extremely pampering the native.
The native is protecting his mother, providing her money and gold.
Or the native is being protected by his mother – the native is skipping career / earning money and wasting time.
Check Artha trikonas / Kama trikonas connection.
Mother has dental issues.
Home buying has brought rise in career / downfall.
Native is fertile.
Native is strongly concerned about his son. He has some health issues – due to which native has changed his city (4th) for job (10th). Or he is constantly concerned about child’s career (10th).
Mother has dental issues / has detachable teeth.
Child birth and career rise or downfall.
Rise in career, especially if connected to other artha trikonas.
Rise in every step of life if above is fulfilled like death of parents, marriage, child birth etc.
Dental issues – bad breath – especially if connected to Mars and Saturn etc.
Turning into vegetarian – for love for animals. Phobia for animals / love for animals and working in PETA, BlueCross etc.
Love for milk or lactose intolerance.
Donation interests.
Good married life with a generation gap / height difference / cousin / cousin’s daughter / parent’s friend.
Downfall if connected to more Kama Trikonas, especially after marriage. Native was wealthy in childhood and has seen downfall after every step in life.
Native supports wife like a mother / wife supports him like a mother.
Check for connections with 10th house for blindness issues.
Dental issues of spouse – especially on the jaw line.
Rise or fall in career after each death in the family.
Father is being protected by the native – providing him every thing money, gold, vehicle, etc. Father does not spend any money – native spends everything for him.
Reverse is possible, the native is constantly dependent on father. With father’s death, the native is shaken and will look for a fatherly figure to depend on monetarily.
Boss helps the native and protects him every time a wrong happens in the company / mentors (nurtures) him like his own child.
Or the native is doing so for his boss.
Native gains a lot – fortunate.
However, if gets connected to all Kama trikonas – can make him lazy during initial days of career and dependent on other people for his livelihood. This may continue if connections to 8th, is also evident.
Traveled solo to a distant land and he is protected, despite an accident / calamity.
Connections to 2,7, 3,9 can bring in death to either father or the only brother. Always use D-9 combinations for confirmation. Do not use deaths as prediction, but use them to correct birth time.
Unless connected to Shravana, the native goes on a trip to a far away place alone and will return to reunite with his family.
Interests in donation (dana) and does a lot if family is settled financially.
Turning into vegetarian – for love for animals. Phobia for animals / love for animals and working in PETA, BlueCross etc.